Do What Frightens You

I've heard it said that we as people need to do what frightens us. But what exactly does that mean? I started thinking about this and wanted to put out my thoughts to the rest of you. 

When I consider what frightens me, I can think of a number of things. Some big, others small. What they all have in common is that they chip away at something within me that I'd rather not be disturbed. Oft when we look at something new, different, or a change, we're encapsulated with this innate fear of the 'what if'. It's frightening and it's paralyzing. Why? Because it pushes us into a different understanding of who we are. We're focused on the unknown and that unknown doesn't have a clear path, it seems daunting, it seems unapproachable, it can even seem impossible. Under those circumstances, we stop well before we ever start; it feels easier to commit to what we know, than venture into what we do not know. 


When we stay in what we know, what we feel is comfortable, what are we really doing for ourselves? If I were to stay exactly where I am in order to keep from pursuing and chasing what frightens me, then I cease to grow. I cease to develop. I cease to become more than I am today. When we shy away from the unknown because it's unknown, we're essentially saying that despite what could happen, good or bad, we know 'this' and this is good enough. I think that we owe it to ourselves to strive for more than good enough.

Personally, I'm not happy with good enough. If we strive for good enough, that's the same as striving for mediocrity, the least we can do, the bottom rung, the last of the line, the least of our efforts. If we're going to do something, we should do it with all our hearts and pursue it with all the effort that we can muster. In that scenario, win or lose, up or down, we can walk away knowing that we gave it our all. That is a feeling of accomplishment no one can ever take away, a feeling that doesn't get lost in the fold. It's the understanding that I gave it my all, and know I left nothing behind. 

So to those of you that have the unknown standing at your door, don't fear the path that you've not yet started. Truth is, even the known is still unknown, so why not give the unknown a try? If you feel something tugging at your heart, your mind, your soul, if you feel something drawing you closer, and bringing you to a new opportunity, challenge, or task, I challenge you to embrace the fear. Do what frightens you. Be fearless, ready to jump, ready to go all in, ready to find yourself in the world of the unknown. Give it your all, and don't worry about the next can figure it out along the way. When you do, know that we're here to join you in the journey. 
