We all have a bad habit of pushing things off until they either disappear, or we simply stop pursuing them. Break the cycle of your routine, and recapture today.
When the things in our life become more about the stuff than who we are. ‘A fundamental problem occurs along this axiom as we all can't have the same stuff as someone else.’
“…falling short is what makes us who we are. It drive us to be better, it focuses our attention on what matters, it helps refine our sharp edges and smooth out our own path.”
When we’re willing to give of ourselves without any requirement of repayment, we can truly say that we’ve given a gift. The best part is the gift we receive in the process.
Everyone goes through periods of stress. Those that claim they don’t are just trying to fool you and themselves. How we respond to the stress, instead of hiding from it, is what makes the difference.
We often look to the really big accomplishments in our lives, when really, it’s the little things that make the journey worth the travel. Don’t focus on the big things to the point where you forget the small things.