Challenge Accepted: The action of doing is the foundation of who we are. This is how we leave our footprint.


Our mission is to reach out to the world around us, through friends and families, through acquaintances and our communities, and establish a basis for encouragement and a drive to accept the challenges life has to offer. To do this, we’ve dedicated ourselves to getting involved within our communities, our schools, our governmental programs, our volunteer programs. We believe the best way to encourage those around us is to go out, take action, get involved, and make an impact within the community.

We know that true inspiration comes not from simply telling someone, ‘yes you can’, but by going out and doing those very things as well. We believe that our stories are your stories and your stories are our stories. Below are some of the projects that we’re actively working on or exploring for upcoming endeavors. If you'd like to get involved, just let us know! We'd love to hear from you and get you plugged in!

Challenges Accepted in and around our community



From an idea generated on a family vacation to a functioning business, Skykone examples how believing in a dream, chasing the dream, and never giving up leads to an amazing end!

brown belt

Following a dislocated shoulder, and a prognosis of never recovering full use and mobility again, the path of karate was seemingly impossible. That was until it was decided it was going to be possible!


pull up

Exercise always has the end goal of making you a better you. Sometimes the best goals are those deeply rooted in a personal accomplishment. For one, this was to clear the bar; next is to do it twice!

The Challenge Accepted Gym - Motivation Within and Out


Physical fitness and wellbeing have a number of benefits for any stage of life. Unfortunately, individuals often find themselves not knowing how to begin the journey, or how to progress once they start. Physical fitness is also plagued with imagery promoting the idea that you are not goon enough if you don't look a certain way. This is a major deterrent rather than motivator, often defeating an individual before they even start. At Challenge Accepted, we want to not only change that message, but redesign what it means to be physically healthy, inside and out. To do that, we're creating the Challenge Accepted Gym, or the CAG as we call it.

We believe that physical fitness and wellbeing is about feeling the best you can, not what pictures show you in a magazine. It's also a means to work through stress, obstacles, challenges, anxiety, illness, trauma, and hardships. To be physically fit means bodily fit, mentally fit, and spiritually fit. A package deal. Every individual has their own set of goals and benchmarks, and we want to help achieve those goals. To do this, we've decided to build a gym that changes the focus of fitness from a physical image to a way of life, centered on you being the best you possible.


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Youth Program - Changing the way we think


In today’s society, we find that a great deal of pressure is being put on children and teens from societal constraints, media, branding, etc. The common theme: if you don’t have ‘this’ you can’t have ‘that’. This is a challenge faced by children looking to find their place in any walk of life. Self worth and self esteem are a constant struggle, especially in the light of perceived social requirements. Our aim is to encourage a change in this mindset. We want to help youth understand that they are supported in what they do, and change how they approach challenges in life, no matter their circumstances or situations.

In order to accomplish this goal, we plan to work with school programs, athletics, and other school functions to show students a different way to think about challenges and how to overcome them. We plan to work through talks, demonstrations, and events that offer their own challenges to students, and different ways on how to approach them. Through these events, explore the different tools they already possess to complete the challenges, their inner ability to overcome, and their own strengths no matter the circumstance. Most importantly, help them to understand that they all have the power within themselves to take on those challenges.

The goal through this program is to help students understand they have the inner strength to try no matter where they are in life. Our hope is to reach out to elementary students through high school students and change the idea that you need 'this' in order to accomplish 'that'. We want children, youth, young adults, and yes, adults, too, to understand that the only true failure in life comes when you don't try. To help them understand, Challenge Accepted is committed to representing a presence of try anyways.  

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New beginnings can begin with a single moment...we decided to make a few moments

To embrace our philosophy of overcoming challenges, we’re developing what we call the Business Card Program. Throughout our community we see men and women standing along the streets, homeless, or stranded in a portion of life. Often these individuals have signs asking for assistance in the form of food, money, or anything that could be of help. Instead of simply giving out food or money, we wanted to do something different, something that we feel will make a difference.  What we're going to offer is a business card with our logo, contact information, and a message offering them two meals, breakfast and lunch, along with a payment for one day’s work. We want to offer assistance, but it's not just assistance, it's something more.

The idea behind this project is to work with local businesses, churches, governmental groups, etc. to generate tasks and jobs that can be completed in a single day. Once the jobs are created and outlined, we'll offer the jobs to the BCP recipients in return for a day’s work. The CA crew will assist in the project, give oversight to the BCP individuals, and ensure the projects are complete to the specifications and satisfaction of the job requirements. In return, the project will generate a positive impact on the community, give assistance to individuals in need, and offer the encouragement to overcome a life obstacle. 

We want to embrace the idea of paying it forward, and we feel one of the best ways to do that is to help those around us find a new path through encouragement, work, and support. By bridging the gap between the needs of the individual, and the needs of the community, the BCP overcomes challenges faced by both groups. Through our efforts, we hope to help the community grow and flourish, while rebuilding struggles and hardships into well-being and sustainability.